Tuesday 8 January 2013

New Year's Revisions

That's right, am taking a stand against this whole resolution thing, it always backfires and I don't know about you but my resolutions (shhhhh, not that I have any) are (oops, game up) exactly the same this year as last year!

1) eat less
2) drink more....water ( you thought I'd say wine, but I'm on to you)
3) organise work schedule
4) and stick to it

So far so familiar. So this year I will trot along knowing that this fantastic four will plague my conscience no matter what I do, and I've concentrated on some new revisions:

1) evaluate the year's progress for Inkyprints and make changes accordingly
2) drink up all the pearls of wisdom I can track down - I'm still new to all this, but there are others who can help
3) write coherent business plan
4) and stick to it

So that's me then. Getting everything in order, all lined up and facing the right way.

Everything has been crazy busy already with galleries contacting me about stocking work with them whilst also trying to complete a new set of linocut prints, discussing a new collaborative fine art project, and print more journal covers - urgently. I then came across Handmade Lives by Dixie Nichols who was chatting on Folksy and followed up her offer of a shop appraisal. All very useful and if any of you are in the business of handmade business, please do take a look at her site - fabulous advice with hugely readable tips and quizzes. http://handmadelives.wordpress.com/

It was a fantastic year for me, so thank you to 2012 and all those who supported me at home and online. I am looking forward to this year's journey. Part of the business plan included marketing and networking objectives. One of my revisions (see how I did that, not saying the other word) is to crank up the blog natters from sporadic to weekly. Once a week mind, and you'll have to forgive me if I ramble a lot. Because I do. HAPPY NEW-ISH YEAR TO ONE AND ALL. xxx

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